OCD and Alcohol: Understanding the Risks and Dangers

ocd and alcohol

A therapist can also help you practice healthy coping skills and ways to overcome triggers for both OCD and AUD. Alcohol may allow people with OCD to “turn off” their obsessive thoughts and compulsions. Unfortunately, this relief can feel so good that it becomes addictive.

ocd and alcohol

Internet addiction was especially high, affecting 29.3% of individuals with OCD compared with just 3.1% without OCD. OCD is an anxiety disorder that causes upsetting, intrusive thoughts. For example, a person may have frequent intrusive thoughts about an intruder breaking into their house. It goes without saying that OCD is a miserable condition to live with. And since alcohol suppresses emotions and numbs pain, a few drinks can seem like an easy solution. The assault of obsessive-compulsive thoughts loses its intensity.

How Can Alcoholism Affect the Daily Life of an OCD-Sufferer?

The addition of alcohol may worsen symptoms in well-managed OCD, or contribute to relapse. People with OCD are especially vulnerable to substance use disorders because it may become another compulsion for them. Even though it may feel like alcohol consumption eases OCD symptoms, it only opens the door to negative consequences. If you or a loved one struggles with alcohol addiction, help is available. The most important step to recovering from alcohol addiction is seeking treatment.

  • The brain is really good at filling in the gaps and it’s usually not with something positive.
  • It is, however, important to note that the presence of a family member with OCD (or SUD) may not be enough in and of itself for either condition to develop.
  • Ignoring these obsessions will only increase the stress one is experiencing, pushing the person until they finally give in and perform the acts tied to that stressor, becoming a near-ritualistic behavior.
  • Both compulsion and addiction create powerful urges that are difficult to resist.

Among alcoholics, 37% have at least one serious mental health disorder, such as bipolar disorder. We surveyed 2,136 American adults who either wanted to stop drinking alcohol or had already tried to (successfully or not). We asked them about their alcohol use, reasons for drinking, alcohol-related outcomes, health and more. A subset of the study’s respondents (47.1%) qualified as heavy alcohol users.

They may even feel disturbed by their thoughts and their need to carry out a compulsive behavior, yet they do it anyway to relieve their distress. A major distinction between addiction and compulsion is the way they are perceived. People with OCD may feel a sense of relief when taking part in compulsive behavior, but they don’t feel pleasure; someone with an addiction, however, does experience pleasure through their behavior, at least at the onset. Compulsions are also a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Treatment for OCD with Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorder

That said, our tendency to attribute undesirable behaviours to the moral failings of others, whilst blissfully turning a blind eye to our own overindulgence, should prompt us to be more mindful of our habits. Greater self-reflection of the underlying biases that drive our perceptions may help us to make wiser decisions and to avoid the risks of problematic drinking and the increasing tendency to self-medicate. Cognitive biases, sensationalist media reports, and cultural norms that obsess over the dangerous appeal of drugs and alcohol all come together to drive a wedge between our perceptions and reality. Research suggests that we typically overestimate the prevalence of substance-related deaths.

This all adds layers upon layers of pain and hardship which negatively impacts our mental health. Unfortunately, the impact alcohol has on the brain and body means that it begins to impact wider areas of life. Relationships can become strained, an inability to work may lead to unemployment, and unemployment leads to financial struggles.

Ongoing addiction treatment can help minimize relapses and establish longer periods of recovery. People with fewer symptoms or additional responsibilities at home or work https://sober-house.net/ may opt for outpatient or telehealth offerings to limit the life disruption. These programs offer tremendous flexibility to assess and address each person’s addiction.

Habit Hypothesis of Compulsivity in AUD

Your involvement with peers as you grow up and the age at which you begin drinking also contribute. People who drink before age 15 are four times more likely to become addicted to alcohol later in life. In the long term, addictions like alcohol use disorder make daily activities nearly impossible. A recent poll by The Recovery Village found physical health (61%), mental health (52%) and relationships (47%) are the most common negative impacts on daily life. People often struggle to maintain their jobs, parental responsibilities, housing, financial health and hygiene.

The 2022 study also noted that individuals with behavioral addictions and OCD scored much more highly on impulsivity than other participants. However, other research suggests the correlation between OCD and addiction is not straightforward. A 2021 study found that, while people eco sober house price with mild or severe OCD symptoms were likely to have an addiction, those in the middle of the spectrum were less likely. To an observer, these repetitive behaviors might look like addictions. And while compulsion and addiction can occur simultaneously, they are different.

ocd and alcohol

The terms “genetic” and “hereditary” are largely interchangeable when discussing alcohol addiction. Genetic factors refer to a person’s DNA and genes passed down from parents to children. Heredity, on the other hand, refers to the transmission of mutated genes across generations. When it comes to alcohol abuse, both genetic and environmental factors contribute to a person’s risk level. In addition, each of these disorders can worsen the symptoms of the others. For example, someone with OCD may start drinking alcohol to cope with their obsessive thoughts.

Outlook for Alcohol Abuse

This can develop even quicker when the person is trying to self-medicate for a co-occurring disorder such as OCD. Failure to address and instead trying to escape it can cause a more severe spiral into alcoholism. OCD is characterized as experiencing unreasonable, “obsessive” fears and responding to them with repetitive, “compulsive” behaviors. These compulsions can get to the point where they interfere with other responsibilities or activities and cause significant stress.

Lifestyle changes to reduce anxiety

The journey is never easy, especially in the beginning, but with help and determination it is possible to find freedom and live a fulfilling life. Unfortunately, because it can be challenging to access quality mental health care, and because seeking help is still somewhat stigmatized, this can lead people to self-medicate with what’s most readily available to them. Because alcohol is a legal and socially accepted substance to consume, this might partially explain why OCD and alcohol use go hand in hand. The truth is people with OCD have the highest rate of alcoholism and substance abuse. And, although, OCD can control your life and rob you of your happiness and freedom, it doesn’t have to. Thankfully, a variety of treatments are available to help you with your OCD symptoms so you don’t feel compelled to turn to alcohol to help you cope with them.

Alcohol Can Take OCD Symptoms From Bad to Worse

Outpatient programs allow people to remain at home, while inpatient programs provide 24/7 medical supervision. In some cases, alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be severe and lead to a potentially fatal condition called delirium tremens. This inflammation can weaken the LES, the valve that prevents stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus. This backup can lead to GERD symptoms such as heartburn, acid reflux and regurgitation. Alcohol does not cause GERD, but regular consumption can worsen symptoms and mask Barrett’s esophagus, a complication of GERD that can lead to cancer.

